When I first heard about the coronavirus, I went into beast mode and was thinking it won’t hurt me and ill get over it. I still believe even if I do contract it I would be fine. I went into a super work-o-holic mode and I was really pushing for as much work in one day as possible for at least 4 days. On Monday it was announced that we are going into lockdown. The real worry kicked in for me, but common sense was telling me the more people that stay in and the more people that listen now, the quicker we can all go back work and start earning money again. For everywhere that is self-employed, not only photographers, so I had to pull the trigger and unfortunately cancel all the shoots I had over the next two weeks (15 shoots). What I’m seeing is nothing but selfishness form the rest of the UK that are still able to get paid 80% of their salary. They are going still and the lockdown will only get more strict and more severe, definitely, it will be longer. Financially it will cripple a lot of people and it is definitely an action that we take now that will make the future of our business’. I had formed relationships with some new clients I was intending on starting working on their projects 3 weeks from Monday 23rd. I will keep in contact with all my clients during this time from now and then. To keep updated and to inform them when I am able to go back to work.
I DO NOT trust or rely on government help during this time, as self-employed currently don’t have much help, I believe it SSP which basically isn’t enough for me for what I have to pay for. If you don’t know it’s around £98 per week. As long as after the 3-week lockdown we can go back to work then all will be well. I hope that everything can continue with caution.